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Audio uplink MRA-2 MusicAll

Each room or zone can be equipped with an Audio Uplink MRA unit. Speeches, meetings or lectures can be reinforced without the cumbersome installation of P.A.-equipment. Just connect a cabled or a wireless microphone to the MRA input and select the local audio input on the MRC-controller. Besides it is possible to connect a (balanced) line source to the audio line input. This makes connecting  a DVD-player, or a laptop easy when a presentation needs seperate mixed audio.

Using the MRA-2 two separate audio signals can be mixed using a single local input. With the unique design of control, the volume setting for each input can be set and pressed to ensure no accidental changes are made.

Note: The MRA-audio inputs are always used mono, a stereo connected source will be mixed: Left (-3dB) + Right (-3dB).

Audio uplink MRA-2 MusicAll

173,00 €Prijs
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